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Audio Recordings

Rainbow Gospel recordings of which the content centres around the meaning of the IT IS TIME Anointing Oils. It also contain prophetic words released for individuals or nations.

Seasons & The Watching Almond

This is the last radio broadcast for this season, where Marelize shares about the meaning of the almond branch mentioned in the Bible, about the life cycle of the almond, about the fulness of time, about the redeeming of time, and about examples in the Word where we are encouraged to watch, to be awake, and to be aware of God’s seasons. Eph.5:15-16 Jer. 1 Num.17 Gal.4:4 Col.4:2 Matt.24 1 Thess.5:1-6 Matt.26:41 2 John 1:8 1 Cor.16:13 1 Pet.5:8 Featuring The Almond Season – a radio broadcast about a new season.

South Africa on God’s Mind

What is God’s current picture of South Africa, 28 years after its first democratic elections, and what is our responsibility concerning God’s prophecies over South Africa. Isa.49:14-17 Acts 17:26-27 Zech.8:2-13 Jer.7:5-7 Ps.37:39-40 Ps.68 2 Chron.7:14-16 Deut.11:18-21 Featuring in this program – Word Scrolls South Africa

His Living Water / Sy Lewende Water

A look at how God used water in the Bible, for instance, to bring healing, to bring deliverance and bring judgement. Marelize also explains the meaning of the word ‘lavender’ and its significance in this context. Gen. 1:2 Rev.22:17 2 Kings 5 Rev.7:17 John 7:37-38 Ps.74 2 Kings 2

Designed to Influence His Heart & The Passover

God designed prayer for us, to influence His heart. This is the prerequisite for certain things to happen on earth. He also designed us to be co-labourers with Him. One of the best visual impressions of this, is the picture of Jesus as the Vine and we as the branches, with us abiding in Him. Let us then examine ourselves in this time of the Passover, a time that co-insides with the Israelites’ commemoration of their freedom from the bondage of slavery, and their time of cleansing, represented by the leavened and unleavened bread. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to show us areas of spiritual leaven in our lives, and let us trust God for victory in areas where we are still struggling. 1 Cor.3:9 Mark 16:20 John 15 Rom.8:26 Prov.13:12 1 Cor.5:7-8 Ps.139:23-24 Ex.12 2 Cor.5:17 Is.61

God’s Intense Love & Some Intense Fragrant Plants in the Bible

Why did the bridegroom in Song of Solomon described himself to his bride as the Rose of Sharon, and as the Lily of the Valley? Marelize look at the characteristics of these flowers and their fragrances, to determine what the message is, that Jesus as our heavenly Bridegroom, wants to convey to us, as His Bride. Song 2 Hos.14:5 Song 8:6-7 Ps.68 Deut.4 Eph.3:19

Restoration & Deliverance Inside the Bones of My Brain

A prayer for deliverance and some tips on renewing your mind and changing your thought patterns after deliverance. This is a follow-up of the previous broadcast called, Your Eyes Were on My Bones when I was Created. Ps.53 2 Sam.21 Ps.52:8-9 Ps.61:3-4 Jer.32:27 Rev.12:10-11

Your Eyes Were on My Bones When I Was Created

We have been uniquely created according to God’s great pleasure, to be friends with Him. So the devil will major is ruining our friendship with God, by luring us away, by using people to do and to say things that will cause us to feel rejected and unhappy with how He has created us, so that we would withdraw from God as our Friend. Marelize gives a few pointers on how to overcome rejection, and to accept and treasure who He has created us to be. Ps.139 Rev.4:11 John 15:13 Eze.17:22-24

Cross Pollination & Queen Esther’s People / Kruisbestuiwing & Koningin Ester se Mense

When there is cross pollination between nations, the Lord can use this to His glory and to accomplish His plan for nations. It is time that we zoom into what God’s plan is, especially at this time of Purim. Joel 2:28-31 Isa.44:1-3 Eze.39:27-29 Acts 1 Acts 17:26 Deut.32 Ps.86:9 Eze.11:17 Eze.36:24 Jer.31:8-9 Read about Climbing Kilimanjaro & the Harvest Time Vision.

Praying for Russia

In this time of war between Russia and Ukraine, we need to pray for both nations as they both have a Godly purpose to fulfill. While the previous broadcast focused on Ukraine, this one focuses on Russia. And the Carnation flower is used as symbol to explain Russia’s redemptive gift, and what part of God’s character must be portrayed through Russia, so that the plan in God’s heart for Russia, can be fulfilled. Is.9:6-7 Ps.2 Zec.9:9 Rom.8:28 Ps.61:1-4 Ps.56

The Fragrance of Christ in Ukraine / Die Geur Van Christus in Ukraine

Ukraine has many fragrant plants and flowers that the Ukrainians know from their childhood. Pray that God will use these fragrances from their memories, to minister to them, to let them know that He is with them in the current war situation. Pray also that the Christians amongst the Ukrainians and the Russians will be the fragrance of Christ amongst those around them. Song of S. 3 2 Cor.2:14-16 Deut.4:7-8

Mirror Images & The Palindrome / Spieëlbeelde & Die Palindroom

With the recent date of 22/02/2022 as a palindrome, it is time to share on the examples of mirror images in the Bible, like the covenant that God made with Abram, and its unfolding in the New Covenant. Another mirror image is about what Jesus inherited, mirrored as our inheritance, and the Word of God being like a mirror, so that as we look into it, we’d be changed from glory to greater glory. Gen.15:10 2 Cor.5:21 1Sam.18 Rom.8:17 Ps.16 Jam.1:23-25 Rom.6 2 Cor.3:18 Heb.12:18 John 17

Father God’s Identity & The Dung Beetle / Vader God se Identiteit & Die Miskruier

Each one of us is unique and carries God’s identity, because we’ve been created according to God’s image. This is compared to the unique characteristics of the dung beetle, a valuable small insect, which faces extinction in certain parts of the world. Ps.10:14 Gen.3 1Jhn.1:3 Jhn.10:32 Ps.139 Ps.37:23 Eph.4:4-16 Gal.1:15-16 Ps.23:3

Don’t Let the Water Quench Your Fire / Moenie Dat Die Water Jou Vuur Blus Nie

God wants us to experience His word like a fire burning in us, and to experience His love, as a most vehement flame. This is in contrast to our spiritual enemy and his army, who is often compared in the Bible with flood and waters. Marelize shares about God’s banner that He raises over those who are in awe of Him, so that they may be delivered, and the banner that the Spirit of the Lord raises against the enemy, when he comes in like a flood, so that God’s fire will not be quenched. Luk.3:16 Song 8:6-7 Is.59:19 Ps.60:4-5 Is.8:7 Jer.20:9 Is.42:3 Matt.11:7 Is.9:4-5

God’s Breath and the Dusty Plant

Marelize shares from her experience with a blocked drain pipe and a dusty pot plant, how we can have blockages in our relationship with God, which works against our ability to inhale and receive God’s spiritual breath or His ‘ruach’ , as it is called in the original language. Eph.4:17-32 Mark 11:25 Eph.5:26-27 Song of S.1 Featuring The Beloved’s Breath Anointing Oil See also Breathing the Breath of the Beloved

A Struggle to React According to God’s Image

God created us according to His image and likeness. How then, do we detect whether we live and act according to His image; what is the basis of our authority and dominion in Christ; and why is it so important to understand His authority? The Kingly Authority Anointing Oil is also discussed. Ps.8:3-6 Is.53:3 Rom.5:17 Eph.2:6 Is.9:4-5 Gen.1 Prov.8:31 Eph.4:24 Ps.139:14-17 1 John 4:18 Matt.8:5-13 2 Cor.3:12-18

South Africa on His Lips

Marelize shares a prophetic word for South Africa, from Ps.7 & 8, talking about how God wants to reveal Himself at this time to the nation, as God Most High, or in Hebrew, as El Elyon. Ps.7 & 8 Mark 5 Gen.14:19 Isa.14 Gen.1:14 Ps.47:1-3 Ps.2 Heb.2 Featuring Frankincense Anointing Oil Prophecy regarding the Children

God and the Spekboom/God En Die Spekboom

Marelize shares about the things that we can learn from the South African Spekboom and its unique features, about the nature of the God who created the Spekboom, about who He is, and about what He wants to see in us as His loved ones. Phil.4:19 Heb.4:17 1 Cor.9:19-22 Ps.104:24 Prov.3:11-12 Jam.1:2-4,12

Should I Speak or Should I Be Silent/Moet Ek Praat of Moet Ek Stilbly

Following up on last week’s broadcast about God taking us on review at this time of the year, Marelize shares from her own experience about God’s review of her mouth and the words that she speaks. How do we know when it is the right time to speak the truth to someone? Marelize touches on things like wisdom, emotional triggers that causes us to react without thinking, and examples of how Jesus reacted towards different people, to lead us to know how and when we should speak the truth in a given situation. Luk.19 Prov.13:3 Ps.141:3 Matt.7:24-29 1 Kings 3 Prov.4:5-6 Prov.4:23 Matt.15:18-19

God Speaking Through Our Dreams/Hoe God Deur Ons Drome Praat, Veral Teen Die Einde Van Die Jaar

Marelize shares on interpreting and discerning our dreams, in particular at the end of the year, when God is usually taking us, as His loved ones, on a journey, to review where we spiritually are, before the new year begins. Heb. 5:14 Job 33:14-18

God’s Promises and the New Season/God Se Beloftes En Die Nuwe Seisoen

At the end of the year, we need to set time apart, to ask God about the past year, and about those promises that we’ve received from Him during the year, that didn’t come into fulfillment. Likewise, He has promises that He has spoken over us before the foundation of the world, regarding the coming new year, according to His foreknowledge, regardless of our disappointments, or areas of loss, or mistakes that we’ve made. Marelize shares a word for this coming year, and share some thoughts on the fulfillment of God’s promises. Ps.139:15 Matt.16:16-18 Luke 22:34 John 1:42 Is.46:9-10 Lam.3:22-23 Rom.8:14-16 Gal.4:5-6 Luke 1:45 1 John 5:14-15 1 Cor.9:26

God My Framework/Die Here My Raamwerk

Marelize shares how the Lord ministered to her during a recent loss, showing Himself to be like the framework of a building, when we are going through tough times. She shares how God shows Himself as our framework through His names, and through the acacia wood, a wood of strength, that was used for the framework in the Old Testament tabernacle. Ex.36-38 John 14:15 John 15:26 Gen.49:24 2 Cor.1:3-5 Eze.48:35 Ps.139:7-18

God My Rock/Die Here My Rots

1Cor.10:1-4 Gen.49 Deut.32 Ps.62 Ps.61 1 Sam.2

Our Beloved’s Engagement Ring for This Time

The traditional Jewish wedding and its wedding contract, called the ‘ketubah’, is often used in the Bible as a basis to show God’s love-covenant with Israel in the Old Testament, and Jesus’ love-covenant with His awaiting bride in the New Testament. In this time of many voices and challenging circumstances, God wants His bride to be aware of His love-covenant promises, and of His engagement ring as a promise of things to come, but also as the guide and helper for the times in which we are. Isa.54:5 Jer.31:32 Gen.15:1, 18-21 Exo.19 Matt.25:1-13 Eph.1:13-14 John 16:13-14

Praying for Your Municipality/Om Vir Jou Munisipaliteit Te Bid

With the municipal election in South Africa just behind us, and while municipalities are in the midst of electing leaders, it is time to pray for those who are being elected. Marelize shares about why it is crucial that we pray for them, in order for us to live a peaceful life, and the spiritual warfare surrounding it. 1 Tim.2:1-4 Isa.61 Judg.5 Judg.8:27 Zec.8:15-17 Ps.101

His Glory Is like a Magnet/Sy Glorie Is Soos ‘n Magneet

What is God’s glory, why is Jesus called the radiance of His glory, and what effect does His glory have on those who are in awe of Him? Marelize also shares a testimony regarding God as our King, and His glory. Ps.97 Rom.11:33-36 Heb.1:3 Rev.21:9-11 John 1:14 Is.49:3 Ps.10-11 Mal.4:2 Is.60:1-5 John 17 Ps.19 2 Cor.3:18 Eph.1:17-19 Ps.3

Beauty for Ashes/’n Kroon Vir ‘n Jas Van As

Jesus was anointed to do miracles on earth. One of those miracles was to give beauty for ashes. Marelize explains the meaning of beauty from the original text and also connects those scriptures from Isaiah 61 with her experience recently in running her first marathon. Is.61 Job.2:8 2 Sam.13 Rom.8:28 Gen.50:20 Eph.3:20 Neh.8:10

Redeeming the Time

The Bible says that Christians should redeem or buy back those kairos, or opportune times that have been lost, an ability based on us being redeemed through Jesus Christ on the cross. This includes making the best use of our time on earth. Marelize shares about her journey over the past 10 years since the start of the ministry of IT IS TIME, of opportunities that she has missed when it comes to the kairos timings of the Lord, and how the Lord in His mercy has helped her to redeem those times, so that His plan can still be fulfilled. Eph.5:14-17 Col.4:5 Luk.4:43 Rom.13:11-12 Gal.6:9 Ps.90:12 Gal.4 Rom.8:15

When the Waves Are Getting Higher/Wanneer Die Golwe Hoër Word

If you are today surrounded with challenging circumstances, or surrounded with people who are mortally wrong, and those voices seems to be getting louder, the Lord wants to reveal Himself to you in a certain way, and guide you to follow in His footsteps through Ps.93, so that you can become the victor in your circumstances. This is also in the run up to the municipal elections for South Africans. Ps.93 Is.57:20 Ps.29:10 Ex.18:11 Ps.63 Is.44:2

The Promises of God in Him, Are Yes and Amen/Die Beloftes Van God in Hom, Is Ja En Amen

None of us wants to come at the end of life, and find that some promises of God over us, have never been fulfilled. So we need to make sure that we do everything to bring all of what God has in store for us, into fulfilment. Some of His promises get fulfilled as we walk our daily Christian life of faith, but for others we need to fight, like the Israelites had to do. Then there are those which we need to regularly remind God of, like David had to do, until we see the fulfilment of it. May you experience the realization of every promise of God over your life. Ps.119:49-50 1 Chron.17:23-27 Isa.43:26 Heb.11:1 1 Cor.2:9 Eph.2:10 2 Cor.1:20 Eph.5:14 Is.62 Eze.12:25 Isa.49:8-26 Isa.41:10 Ps.37:4 Linked to this message is The Fight for the Fulfillment of God’s Plan

He Is Ready to Fight for You / Hy Staan Gereed Om Vir Jou Te Veg

The King of kings, the Mighty One is calling you to come in line with His desire for you (Ps.45) – to listen and to make sure that you have heard right, to worship and to set Him first above all. His promise over you as His priest and His king, is a blessed and favoured life, with your dominion and influence being strengthened. He is ready to fight the enemy for the fulfilment of His promises over you. Die Koning van konings, die Magtige Krygsman, roep jou om in lyn te kom met Sy begeertes oor jou (Ps.45) – om te luister en seker te maak dat jy reg hoor, om Hom te aanbid en Hom eerste te stel bo alles. Sy beloftes oor jou as Sy priester en Sy koning, sluit in om as ‘n geseënde gebegunstige te lewe, en die versterking van jou outoriteit om te heers. Hy staan gereed om die vyand te oorrompel, vir die vervulling van Sy beloftes oor jou. Ps.45 Ps.110:1 1 Pet.2:5-9 Ex.14 Deut.3:21 Deut.20 Ps.40:6