None of us wants to come at the end of life, and find that some promises of God over us, have never been fulfilled. So we need to make sure that we do everything to bring all of what God has in store for us, into fulfilment.
Some of His promises get fulfilled as we walk our daily Christian life of faith, but for others we need to fight, like the Israelites had to do. Then there are those which we need to regularly remind God of, like David had to do, until we see the fulfilment of it.
May you experience the realization of every promise of God over your life.
Ps.119:49-50 1 Chron.17:23-27 Isa.43:26 Heb.11:1 1 Cor.2:9 Eph.2:10 2 Cor.1:20 Eph.5:14 Is.62 Eze.12:25 Isa.49:8-26 Isa.41:10 Ps.37:4
Linked to this message is The Fight for the Fulfillment of God’s Plan