He Is Ready to Fight for You / Hy Staan Gereed Om Vir Jou Te Veg

The King of kings, the Mighty One is calling you to come in line with His desire for you (Ps.45) – to listen and to make sure that you have heard right, to worship and to set Him first above all. His promise over you as His priest and His king, is a blessed and favoured life, with your dominion and influence being strengthened. He is ready to fight the enemy for the fulfilment of His promises over you.

Die Koning van konings, die Magtige Krygsman, roep jou om in lyn te kom met Sy begeertes oor jou (Ps.45) – om te luister en seker te maak dat jy reg hoor, om Hom te aanbid en Hom eerste te stel bo alles. Sy beloftes oor jou as Sy priester en Sy koning, sluit in om as ‘n geseënde gebegunstige te lewe, en die versterking van jou outoriteit om te heers. Hy staan gereed om die vyand te oorrompel, vir die vervulling van Sy beloftes oor jou.

Ps.45 Ps.110:1 1 Pet.2:5-9 Ex.14 Deut.3:21 Deut.20 Ps.40:6