Seasons & The Watching Almond

This is the last radio broadcast for this season, where Marelize shares about the meaning of the almond branch mentioned in the Bible, about the life cycle of the almond, about the fulness of time, about the redeeming of time, and about examples in the Word where we are encouraged to watch, to be awake, and to be aware of God’s seasons.

Eph.5:15-16 Jer. 1 Num.17 Gal.4:4 Col.4:2 Matt.24 1 Thess.5:1-6 Matt.26:41 2 John 1:8 1 Cor.16:13 1 Pet.5:8

Featuring The Almond Season – a radio broadcast about a new season.

South Africa on God’s Mind

What is God’s current picture of South Africa, 28 years after its first democratic elections, and what is our responsibility concerning God’s prophecies over South Africa.

Isa.49:14-17 Acts 17:26-27 Zech.8:2-13 Jer.7:5-7 Ps.37:39-40 Ps.68 2 Chron.7:14-16 Deut.11:18-21

Featuring in this program – Word Scrolls South Africa

His Living Water / Sy Lewende Water

A look at how God used water in the Bible, for instance, to bring healing, to bring deliverance and bring judgement. Marelize also explains the meaning of the word ‘lavender’ and its significance in this context.

Gen. 1:2 Rev.22:17 2 Kings 5 Rev.7:17 John 7:37-38 Ps.74 2 Kings 2

Designed to Influence His Heart & The Passover

God designed prayer for us, to influence His heart. This is the prerequisite for certain things to happen on earth. He also designed us to be co-labourers with Him. One of the best visual impressions of this, is the picture of Jesus as the Vine and we as the branches, with us abiding in Him.

Let us then examine ourselves in this time of the Passover, a time that co-insides with the Israelites’ commemoration of their freedom from the bondage of slavery, and their time of cleansing, represented by the leavened and unleavened bread. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to show us areas of spiritual leaven in our lives, and let us trust God for victory in areas where we are still struggling.

1 Cor.3:9 Mark 16:20 John 15 Rom.8:26 Prov.13:12 1 Cor.5:7-8 Ps.139:23-24 Ex.12 2 Cor.5:17 Is.61

God’s Intense Love & Some Intense Fragrant Plants in the Bible

Why did the bridegroom in Song of Solomon described himself to his bride as the Rose of Sharon, and as the Lily of the Valley? Marelize look at the characteristics of these flowers and their fragrances, to determine what the message is, that Jesus as our heavenly Bridegroom, wants to convey to us, as His Bride.

Song 2 Hos.14:5 Song 8:6-7 Ps.68 Deut.4 Eph.3:19

Your Eyes Were on My Bones When I Was Created

We have been uniquely created according to God’s great pleasure, to be friends with Him. So the devil will major is ruining our friendship with God, by luring us away, by using people to do and to say things that will cause us to feel rejected and unhappy with how He has created us, so that we would withdraw from God as our Friend. Marelize gives a few pointers on how to overcome rejection, and to accept and treasure who He has created us to be. Ps.139 Rev.4:11 John 15:13 Eze.17:22-24

Praying for Russia

In this time of war between Russia and Ukraine, we need to pray for both nations as they both have a Godly purpose to fulfill.

While the previous broadcast focused on Ukraine, this one focuses on Russia. And the Carnation flower is used as symbol to explain Russia’s redemptive gift, and what part of God’s character must be portrayed through Russia, so that the plan in God’s heart for Russia, can be fulfilled.

Is.9:6-7 Ps.2 Zec.9:9 Rom.8:28 Ps.61:1-4 Ps.56

The Fragrance of Christ in Ukraine / Die Geur Van Christus in Ukraine

Ukraine has many fragrant plants and flowers that the Ukrainians know from their childhood. Pray that God will use these fragrances from their memories, to minister to them, to let them know that He is with them in the current war situation. Pray also that the Christians amongst the Ukrainians and the Russians will be the fragrance of Christ amongst those around them.

Song of S. 3 2 Cor.2:14-16 Deut.4:7-8