When There’s yet Another Pamphlet at the Gate, It’s Time for the Spirit of Esther to Arise

During this time of the Pandemic, more and more people are loosing their jobs, and are trying to find alternative incomes. Therefore we are getting more pamphlets advertising small businesses at our gates, a sign of more households under stress to keep head above water. Then there are those who do have enough in the bank, but even with the best medical facilities available, it’s not enough to keep someone with a severe level of illness alive.

Due to so much uncertainty, people are open for God to speak into their lives, because it’s a matter of life and death, of literally not knowing what tomorrow may hold. It is in this time that God wants to use His loved ones as Esthers to stand in the gap, to see things in our everyday environment as opportunities, to carry and to pray for one another.

Heb.7:25 John 17:15 1 John 2:1 Heb.4:15-16 John 17

Featuring the Esther Anointing Oil