
Esther Anointing Oil



God’s anointing on His Daughters, as portrayed through Esther (Myrtle) and Mary (Spikenard).

Myrtle was the meaning of Queen Esther’s Hebrew name (Est.4). She made intercession for her people. Myrtle trees were also mentioned when intersession was made in Zechariah’s vision (Zec.1).

Spikenard because of cost, was only used by kings and queens in Biblical times (Song 1). When Mary poured this oil on Jesus in adoration, she was prophetically anointing Him as king in preparation to be hailed as king the very next day. Her act was so profound that it impacted ages to come (Jn.12; Matt.26).

The root meaning of the Hebrew word for daughter is ‘to build’. Use this oil then as a declaration that God’s daughter has an anointing to build – she carries authority when she intercedes for loved ones and for nations, and she has a prophetic anointing to impact generations when she does something in adoration of Him.

Almond oil was added to declare God’s season (Jer.1) in which He wants to bring His plans through His daughters into fulfilment.

Size: 10ml