The angels sang when God created the world. Moses experienced God as his strength and song when He delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians. The Psalmist experience God’s song with him in the night when he was in trouble.
God was also described by Zephaniah as a Singing Warrior, when God promised Israel in their distress, that He would be their Warrior, to fight for them, and that He would sing a song of joy over them.
May those who are going through testing times, experience Him as their Warrior to fight for them. May they hear Him, when He sings His song of joy over them, as He blesses them with peace.
Zeph.3 Ps.116:15 Ps.139 Job 38:6-7 Rev.5 Rev.15 Ps.42 Is.12:2 Ps.77 Ps.118:5