My children, you’ve been faithful. You’ve run the race and you have not given up. You endured through tough times of testing, and through it all, you have been a testimony to others, showing the world how Christians should walk. When the winds of onslaught blew to take you down, you stood firm.
Yet at this hour, I am pleading with you to come to Me with renewed vigor, because the time of My coming is near. I want to take My Bride to the place that I have prepared for her. Therefore draw close to Me, to where you can hear My heartbeat.
Ask Me for a hunger for My word, a hunger that will cause My loved ones to seek for more revelations of Me through My word, revelations which will cause My word to become like fire in your bones. Because it is only in revealing Myself through My word and through My Spirit, that you will truly be transformed to be ready when I return.
I’m longing to take you with Me, to walk you on streets of gold, to tell you, “Well done My child”. Therefore get ready because time is near.
By Marelize Nolan
15 August 2018
Featuring Priestly Restoration Anointing Oil
Featuring Awakening The Priesthood Audio