When You’re like a Tree Shaking in the Wind/Wanneer Jou Boompie Rondskud Soos ‘n Fladdervoël in ‘n Stormwind

This is about receiving unexpected news, or being slandered by someone just after you have worked hard to do things in the right way, because of your devotion and love for the Lord.

King Ahaz was shaking like a tree in the wind when he received news about a planned war against him. But it was his son Hezekiah who followed him up as king, who gives us an excellent example of how to react, and his strategy of prayer that he used, that we can follow, when unexpected bad news, or unexpected words of slander is received.

2 Chron.31&32 Is.7 Ps.119:49-50 Is.62:6-7 Is.37 Eph.3:16-19