“To you who overcomes, I will give the crown of glory, because I love you and gave My life for you. You’ve been through many trials; you have suffered often because of guilt – guilt, because you think that you don’t measure up to My expectations; guilt, because you are so aware of “THE WRONGS” in your life. I want you to come to Me, because My yoke is never heavy. Leave the cloak of guilt behind and put on My robe. This is My robe of favour because of My righteousness and My holiness in you. It is like a covering over you so that I only see Myself in you. My glory is shining through you. Listen to My words and take it to heart – too often you have filters in your ears so that you only hear certain things that I’m telling you. Take away those filters because I long to share My thoughts with you and what I have in mind for you. For this is My time of favour for you My child!” (Prophetic Word April 2013)
Featuring Favour of God Anointing Oil
Featuring Growing in Favour with God as Preparation for 2020 Audio https://www.itistime.co.za/prophetic-word/growing-in-favour-with-god-as-preparation-for-2020/