In the book of Revelations heaven is described in all its beauty. Amidst the continuous worship singing in heaven, a fragrance is rising, initiated from earth by the prayers of the saints.
The tabernacle of Moses was an image of the worship of God in heaven. Marelize uses the contents of the incense altar where the high priest prayed and the different perfume notes that it releases, to compare it with the different aspects of prayer. She uses the Lord’s prayer as model of the different aspects of prayer, and the advantage of memorizing scripture to use in prayer, as encouragement for us, to realize the impact of our prayers in heaven.
Rev.4 & 5 Ex.30 1Thess.5:17 Ps.45 Ps.141:2 Luke 11
About the Incense Altar – Our Prayers Before His Throne Are Filling the Golden Bowls of Incense