As I was reading about the leper who came to Jesus, asking to be cleansed and healed (Matt.8), I had a vision of masses of people, with huge waves of the Holy Spirit rolling over them. Every time that a new wave appeared, they would fall on their knees, crying, repenting of sins and asking for forgiveness. I could hear many of them repenting of sins they had done in the dark, sins of which no one knew. While I was looking at this, I suddenly heard the Lord saying, “Tell My Church to get ready!”
Over the next few months the Lord’s mandate became clearer, that for this great harvest to be fulfilled, there is a condition – that we who acknowledge Him as Lord, should draw closer to Him to spend more time in His presence. He showed me the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament Temple and Tabernacle, the place where His presence dwelt (Ex.25:22). This place was accessible only to the High Priest once a year and was separated with a veil. This veil was torn when Jesus died so that we now can have access to His presence (Matt.27:51&Heb.6:19).
“Why are My loved ones content with activities in front of the veil and don’t proceed to where My presence is, living life as if I’ve never died, as if the veil was never torn?” He said. “I long for you to spend time in My presence where I can minister and share Myself with you; for it is in My presence where you’ll hear My heart beat for those who don’t know Me, where I can lead you in how to become part of the fulfilment of My plan.”
As an outflow of this vision and under the Holy Spirit’s guidance an anointing oil was mixed from the oils of the wood used inside the Temple (2Chron.2:4-8) as a declaration of His children coming into His presence. Frankincense oil were added to represent Jesus who made it possible for us to enter His presence (Ex.30:34) and myrtle oil were added to represent His children making intersession for those who don’t know Him (Zech.1). This mixture then became the Harvest Time Anointing Oil.
In August 2013 this oil was poured out in Tanganyika Lake, the deepest point in Africa and a month later on Kilimanjaro Mountain, the highest point in Africa. This was done as a declaration of the fulfilment of His plan in Africa.
While pouring it out on Kilimanjaro, I had this vision again, but this time He revealed His love and longing for His children, saying, “I’m ready for the harvest, but I’m waiting for My children!” I was at the end of my physical strength because of the high altitude and overcame with emotion for the pain of His heart, yet I was filled with expectation of what was about to happen. Thereafter, this oil was taken into various African countries.
One year later the oil was poured out in the Holy Land and from there it was taken to various countries in the world for the fulfilment of Rev.5:8-9 “the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.”
As we are approaching that day before His throne, may the longing of His heart be fulfilled.
By Marelize Nolan (February 2013)
Featuring Harvest Time Anointing Oil
Featuring God Answering Prayer & The Great Harvest Audio
Featuring Prophetic Actions to Prepare the Land for the Great Harvest Audio