Prophetic Word for South Africa

By Marelize Nolan (5/06/12, updated in 2024)

My heart is on fire for you, My beloved South Africa. Many of you, have moved abroad, to seek a better life. But I tell you – seek My truth and My righteousness, so that I can become your Prince of Peace, and your Wonderworking God. For I want to bring together the people of South Africa, so that you and your children may dwell in peace and security, and may feel safe, when you go out in the street.

Be careful to not moan and groan. Rather be hopeful and trusting, because I want your land to be a blessing, instead of a curse among the nations. I want your offspring to be called blessed, in the land of their fathers.

Out of your nation’s belly will flow living waters, which will overflow every culture group in the land. It’ll bring unity, and will cause living waterfalls in neighboring countries. Turn from you wicked ways and stop walking after other gods. Care for the stranger and stop shedding innocent blood. Then I will bless you, and give you Godly influence into other nations.

My children, your land is in a time frame, in which it is late in the night already, and spiritual darkness is around you. But know this, that amidst this darkness, I am exposing wicked and destructive forces. I’m also putting My spotlight on sin in My Body, so that My Body will repent, and turn back to Me.

So, while it is late in the night already, you need to declare My workings, and let a song of joy be heard in My ears, for I am your merciful and your faithful Father, who longs to see your land fulfilling its destiny before My throne.

Prophetic Word 2024 (1 January 2024)

My child, I have great plans for this year – for you and for your nation. But you need to hear My words, when I want to warn you of things ahead, so that you can pray with a plan.

A time of strategy is ahead, because some things that I have lined up for you and your nation, need to be fought through in prayer, before it can happen.

So be aware, to not only fill your mind with what others in My kingdom are saying, but protect your time alone with Me, and make time to properly hear Me, in what you need to pray. Do not judge according to what you see and hear in the physical, but trust in Me to discern things according to My Spirit’s working in you. Then test what you discern, with your fellow brothers and sisters, because I have created My body with different gifts and discernments, so that you can move forward in unity, to bring My plans for this year into fulfilment.

(Isa.11 Heb.10:24-25)


Marelize Nolan

Time of Healing (1 December 2023)

When you’re trusting God for healing, and things get worse instead of better, while you KNOW that God’s design for you is to be healed, then you get to a place of just holding onto Him in the midst of battles that you don’t understand.

Then one day, He declares HIS TIME OF HEALING, and suddenly at His Kairos time you EXPERIENCE HIS HEALING. (Jer.14:19 Ecc. 3:3).

This is what happened to me, after battling injuries for more than a year.

The Lord spoke from Rev. 11 about the TWO WITNESSES, who had extraordinary power and who prophesied for three and ‘n half years. But then the beast made war against them and killed them. After three and a half days they received the BREATH OF LIFE OF GOD, so that they could rise up finish what they had to do.

Although they carried God’s power and authority, God allowed the enemy to kill them. But AT THE APPOINTED TIME, God raised them from the dead, to carry on with what they had to finish.

Maybe THIS IS YOUR TIME OF HEALING as well, in an area where you’ve been trusting God for a very long time. May the Lord speak to you and may you experience His BREATH OF LIFE in you, raising you up, to carry on fulfilling His dream through you.

Be blessed


Prophetic Word for 2023

A Word from the Lord for 2023, received on 18 December 2022:

My dear Warrior… yes, this is the name by which I’m calling you in this season – Stand up, stretch out those legs, and start to walk; stretch out your hands and start to do; stretch out your jawbone, and start to speak, for I have given you all that you need for every hour.

Time is of essence. So, for every day, you need to mark where you are, and at the end of the day measure how you have advanced. Do and act in faith, and don’t wait. Wait only when I say wait. I AM with you – Immanuel is My Name (Matt. 1:23). So, do not doubt, for I AM your Great Reward. Iron out and sort out the obstacles, so that you can move faster and be more efficient. 

A warrior acts and fights when there is war – this war is about people who are walking in darkness. I promise you, that as you move, people will start to see the Light, for as you move, your warrior movements will cause a noise of confusion in the spirit realm, so that those who have lived in the land of death, will experience the Light, and will be set free (Isa.9:2-5).

My child, trust Me in this, as I AM the one who will enable your warrior spirit, who will clothe and arm you, with what you need for this time.  

May you experience Him this year, going before you, making the crooked places straight, breaking in pieces the gates of bronze, and cutting the bars of iron, so that you will receive what He has in stall for you in 2023!

Blessings, Marelize Nolan

Blessed As His Bride, in the Midst of Challenging Times

In our current time frame of the Covid 19 Pandemic, Christians need to be reminded of their identity as God’s Bride-to-be. Marelize uses the picture of the Bride as given in Ezekiel, to remind us of the blessings of God on His Bride, in preparation for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Prophetic Word in the midst of the Corona Virus Pandemic – 4 June 2020

My Child, I want to reveal Myself IN THE MIDST of the PANDEMIC as the Comforter, the Miracle Maker, the Strong One, the Everlasting Life-giver and the Commander of Peace.
I am never surprised – don’t you think I knew what was lying ahead? I was there – I saw when strategies were planned. But in the midst of the Enemy’s strategy, I am working My plans.
So, I need you My child, to keep your focus on Me, and to not be distracted by what is happening around you. Keep your ears attuned to My voice. In this time, when things seems to be falling apart around you, keep your eyes on Me, for I am working in ways that you haven’t seen before. Therefore don’t expect Me to work according to paradigms of times gone by.
It is a new time. Therefore I work in new ways. So don’t be surprised when you are challenged to shift your paradigms, to change your ways, to change your direction of business, even to change your vision from what you had before. Know that I AM with you, that I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Know that I will look after you and after those who depend on you – don’t you think I know about your cares, and about you worries concerning the day of tomorrow?
Today I’m placing My seeds in your hands – trust Me and keep calling out to Me until you see it fulfilled. I will also give you the soil, the water and the favour that you will need for your seeds to grow. This is so that you can reap a bountiful harvest in the days to come.
You may face resistance, because this is a new way for you. But know this, that I will be with you. I will make you strong, so that you will prevail, to reap the harvest that I have planned for you!
Prophetic Word – Marelize Nolan 4 June 2020

Today I'm placing My seeds in your hands - trust Me and keep calling out to Me until you see it fulfilled.