Prophetic Word 2024 (1 January 2024)

My child, I have great plans for this year – for you and for your nation. But you need to hear My words, when I want to warn you of things ahead, so that you can pray with a plan.

A time of strategy is ahead, because some things that I have lined up for you and your nation, need to be fought through in prayer, before it can happen.

So be aware, to not only fill your mind with what others in My kingdom are saying, but protect your time alone with Me, and make time to properly hear Me, in what you need to pray. Do not judge according to what you see and hear in the physical, but trust in Me to discern things according to My Spirit’s working in you. Then test what you discern, with your fellow brothers and sisters, because I have created My body with different gifts and discernments, so that you can move forward in unity, to bring My plans for this year into fulfilment.

(Isa.11 Heb.10:24-25)


Marelize Nolan

Time of Healing (1 December 2023)

When you’re trusting God for healing, and things get worse instead of better, while you KNOW that God’s design for you is to be healed, then you get to a place of just holding onto Him in the midst of battles that you don’t understand.

Then one day, He declares HIS TIME OF HEALING, and suddenly at His Kairos time you EXPERIENCE HIS HEALING. (Jer.14:19 Ecc. 3:3).

This is what happened to me, after battling injuries for more than a year.

The Lord spoke from Rev. 11 about the TWO WITNESSES, who had extraordinary power and who prophesied for three and ‘n half years. But then the beast made war against them and killed them. After three and a half days they received the BREATH OF LIFE OF GOD, so that they could rise up finish what they had to do.

Although they carried God’s power and authority, God allowed the enemy to kill them. But AT THE APPOINTED TIME, God raised them from the dead, to carry on with what they had to finish.

Maybe THIS IS YOUR TIME OF HEALING as well, in an area where you’ve been trusting God for a very long time. May the Lord speak to you and may you experience His BREATH OF LIFE in you, raising you up, to carry on fulfilling His dream through you.

Be blessed
