
Word Scrolls



One way of influencing a nation, is to declare God’s Word and God’s plan over that nation. According to God’s Word the heavens and the earth have ears to hear (Is.1:2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken…). So, many prophecies in the Bible, were spoken out over the heavens and the earth surrounding a nation, for the nation to come in line with God’s plan.

Word Scrolls were created to help you to do that. Prophetic portions of Scripture on tiny scrolls, were individually chosen according to a prophetic word for that nation. These can be placed or planted in strategic spots where that nation is represented. Inside the packet are directions on how to use it.

Note that these Words Scrolls carries no power in itself, to bring change. The power is in the revealed Word of God (Is.43:6).

It is available for the following countries – Angola, Botswana, Congo, Germany,  Mozambique, Nigeria, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. (The Word Scrolls for South Africa is now available under the Foot Soldier Products)
