
Calamus Anointing Oil



Calamus Oil comes from a reed-like plant that grows in mud. It was one of the ingredients in the Holy Anointing Oil with which certain furniture in the tabernacle had to be anointed with, to be declared as set aside for God’s purpose, or HOLY unto the Lord (Ex.30:23-31).  Those furniture pieces were marked with the Hebrew letter ‘kof’ which means ‘holy unto the Lord’. This was to make sure that it wouldn’t be used for any other purpose.  The letter ‘kof’ is also the first letter for the word calamus in Hebrew meaning ‘qaneh’. The root meaning of this word is ‘to be restored’.

By implication, the Calamus Anointing is a declaration of restoration towards holiness, also in the face of false accusations from the Enemy like the High Priest Josiah who was falsely accused before God’s throne (Zec.3:1-7). God rebuked Satan and ordered that Josiah be given a new robe and clean turban for his head. The turban had the words ‘Holiness unto the Lord’ inscribed on it.

This is what God has in store for His children, because of His love and mercy towards us.

Size: 10ml